Prior Authorization

Get Benefited with our Prior Authorization Services

Our Prior Authorization for Medication Services are suitable for hospitals, physician practices, and outpatient facilities and help you save your valuable time. The prior authorization process serves to ensure that the processed treatments are medically necessary and will be covered under the patient’s insurance plan. 

Whether you are payers, providers, or patients, according to the new rule of CMS, you can have electronic access for all pending and active decisions with prior authorization, which means patients don’t need to fight with providers in order to track or obtain data using ancient fax machines. By navigating pre-authorization in the medical billing process efficiently, healthcare organizations can streamline their billing operations, enhance Revenue Cycle Management and deliver quality care to their patients. 


Get in touch with our experts on our functional best practices that streamlines your medical billing priorities.

Reasons to Choose Prior Authorization Services

Labor shortage and increasing healthcare costs make it challenging for individuals to find certified coders and experienced billers. As a healthcare provider, you may experience issues while achieving the best practice management experience. Also, it can give you a loss of millions when applying ineffective PA strategies that include:
● Incorrect utilization of Modifiers
● Inaccurate verification of Patient Data
● Insufficient Documentation
● Addressing medical issues in a proper manner
Consequently, if you want to save yourself from all hassles and get unparalleled support for all Pre-billing activities, you can consider our proficient experts for Prior Authorization Solutions because they have years of experience in managing basic to complex pre-billing tasks and have desired capabilities to enter the necessary data, confirm on-time eligibilities, submit and have the prior approved authorization, inform payers regarding the status, follow up with doctor’s offices for needed documents, and update the auth results in the client billing system.
Benefits of Prior Authorization
● Ensure 100% accuracy for Prior Authorization and give the best productivity metrics
● Improve the current rate of completed requests by 2x and offer a guarantee on your 97% of collections within the period of 30 days.
● 100% PA submissions on the same day, and your PA requests will be approved 90%
● Popular across the healthcare industry and ensures 100% HIPAA-HITECH compliance.
● Cost-effective service charges with no hidden cost
● Quick claim status analysis in denial management & give assurance for real-time audits and custom reporting.
● No binding contracts & faster turnaround time.

For more, contact us today to know our tailor-fit prior authorization action plan.